Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Surprise, no more toys.

After a week of epic battles with my girls over cleaning up their toys I decided to do it myself.

I took two bins.  One for Maya's toys.  One for Morgan's toys.  I then took all the toys on the floor and placed them in their perspective bins.  I then washed their sheets, made their beds, vacuumed the floor (long over due) and hung up/ put away their clothes.  This took me almost all day!

When Morgan got home she sat at the counter along with her sister Maya for a snack while I explained things.
I explained how I cleaned their room. Morgan looked at me with a huge smile on her face and said, "Thank you, I hate cleaning."  She was so happy until I continued to explain that all her toys are now in a bin. Not in her room.  She now has to earn her toys back by helping me around the house with chores of MY choice.  I also, explained that if she leaves toys on the floor and I pick them up they will go in the bin!  Maya, who was listening as well, seemed excited about earning toys from the bin.  Morgan was quite upset to loose her toys, but then jumped down from the counter and said, "I'm going to set the table so I can get a toy back."

Well I guess we shall see how it goes...

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