Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mercy 4 months old and earrings!

"I love my new crib, room to stretch"

Mercy is now 4 months old!

She is way more alert and interactive.

She smiles and has kind of a silent laugh. Melts the heart.

She loves watching her crazy sisters.

She babbles a little and has learned to spit.

She outgrew her bassinet and is now in her crib.

She has started the first stages of separation anxiety crying when I leave the room. Though not for long.

"Dad save me."

Now that Mercy is 4 months old and has all her shots it was ear piercing time.
She was in such a good/ cute mood when we were there making things a lot easier.  She was all smiles with just a pause and quick cry when the earrings went in.  She cried for only a few seconds after each ear.  She was by far the easiest of the three.  And she looks so cute with her little pearls.

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