Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today I had a Dr's appt. and Maya had to come with me.  The funny thing is that where I go is right next door to the Girls pediatrician's office and as we passed by it Maya started yelling "NO Doctor!"
I so nicely told her that we are not going Maya's Dr we are going to see Mama's Dr.
She thought for a moment then said "Yea! Stickers!!!"  She then made up a little song about stickers (consisting mostly of the word sticker) and sang it all the way into the Dr's office; where she was greeted by the front desk staff who found her so cute that they gave her a big pile of stickers.
I guess unless you're a pediatricians office you don't have to give out stickers sparingly.  Maya was so happy and well behaved the whole time we were there thanks to those magical stickers. I love how the little things can make her so happy.  

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