Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Baby Mango #3

Ben and I are expecting Baby #3!  When I found out I was pregnant, back in September, I decided to tell Ben in a fun way. (This was the first time I saw a + result without him knowing I was even taking a test)

Ben got home from work and we sat down to dinner when I said, "Oh there's something in the oven, could you go check." Ben got up and went to the oven to find a Bun, + pregnancy test and a note that said, "we have a Bun in the Oven."
He was very excited!  And the girls are excited to have a little brother OR sister!  That's right we don't know the gender, and this time around we aren't finding out until he or she comes out.  
It has been kind of fun listening to Morgan's speculations on if it's a girl or boy.  Her most recent prediction after seeing our 20 week ultrasound pictures was that it's a boy.  Why you might ask... well according to Morgan, "it doesn't have hair and girls always have hair so it must be a boy."

Well Here's to baby #3 Due early May 2013!  

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