Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Baby Mango #3

Ben and I are expecting Baby #3!  When I found out I was pregnant, back in September, I decided to tell Ben in a fun way. (This was the first time I saw a + result without him knowing I was even taking a test)

Ben got home from work and we sat down to dinner when I said, "Oh there's something in the oven, could you go check." Ben got up and went to the oven to find a Bun, + pregnancy test and a note that said, "we have a Bun in the Oven."
He was very excited!  And the girls are excited to have a little brother OR sister!  That's right we don't know the gender, and this time around we aren't finding out until he or she comes out.  
It has been kind of fun listening to Morgan's speculations on if it's a girl or boy.  Her most recent prediction after seeing our 20 week ultrasound pictures was that it's a boy.  Why you might ask... well according to Morgan, "it doesn't have hair and girls always have hair so it must be a boy."

Well Here's to baby #3 Due early May 2013!  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My funny Morgan

All in one week:

Morgan Celebrated her perfect attendance in Ballet by dancing all round the house all day long.  She said she needed to practice so she could get her perfect attendance sticker again next time.  Not sure she understands that I'm the one doing the work for this sticker, but hey if practicing Dancing makes her happy I'll sit back and watch the show. (and maybe record a little of it)

Tuesday: can't remember but I'm sure it was something...

Morgan was trying to get out of her nap time. I was doing my best to ignore her funniness as she says things like:"I just need to tell you one more thing" (about 100 times in a row) "it will break my heart if you don't listen to me mom."  "OK I'm never taking a nap I"m just going to sit here until you let me stay up."  and my favorite: "Fine, I'm going to call you Mother if you make me take a nap!"

Same day:
Morgan complained that she has nothing to do in our family room (some times called the play room).  Note: it's where almost all their toys are.  So I simply said, "you have toys."  She walked down stairs into the family room, looked around and said, "oh yeah, those."  Then she played down there for over an hour...

Today my funny Morgan took a sweet turn:  as I was feeling sick from a cold, she helped out by cleaning up her toys, getting me water, throwing away my tissues (amazing!), and then putting on a dance show so I wouldn't get bored.  Love that girl!

She spent her nap time giggling and keeping her sister awake.  They kept exclaiming that Grandma is coming when we wake up.  And then I'd hear some loud happy squeals followed by a loud "SHHH, mama will hear you and make us sleep."  

Friday, December 14, 2012

New family addition!

Welcome to the family Jazz!  

Yesterday Ben and I used our Thursday night date night to bring home an early Christmas present for our girls (well and for us!).  We had been talking and debating about getting a dog for say 5 years or so...... Ben finally won the battle when he took me to meet this beautiful and sweet 3 year old Staffordshire Terrier.  The girls and I fell in love with this dog right away!  Maya just loved hugging the dog and petting her, Morgan was a little more hesitant to pet her at first but soon couldn't stop playing with her.
After we brought her home last night while the girls were at our friend's house we got her some what use to the place then Ben picked up the girls while I stayed home.  We managed to keep her quiet enough so that they didn't notice she was here and in the morning they had a wonderful surprise.  Maya squealed with delight as Morgan said, "I knew it!" They both spent the morning playing with Jazz until sadly Morgan had to go to school.  Morgan said while we were driving to preschool that she was jealous of Maya because she gets to stay home and play with Jazz all day and she only gets to play with her school friends...
Glad to know that Jazz was a big hit! :)  Here's to many more fun days with Jazz, or Jazzy as the girls call her.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today I had a Dr's appt. and Maya had to come with me.  The funny thing is that where I go is right next door to the Girls pediatrician's office and as we passed by it Maya started yelling "NO Doctor!"
I so nicely told her that we are not going Maya's Dr we are going to see Mama's Dr.
She thought for a moment then said "Yea! Stickers!!!"  She then made up a little song about stickers (consisting mostly of the word sticker) and sang it all the way into the Dr's office; where she was greeted by the front desk staff who found her so cute that they gave her a big pile of stickers.
I guess unless you're a pediatricians office you don't have to give out stickers sparingly.  Maya was so happy and well behaved the whole time we were there thanks to those magical stickers. I love how the little things can make her so happy.  

Monday, December 10, 2012


I wanted to create this Blog to tell funny stories about what I notice during the day about my family.  I'm betting the stories will mainly be about my little ones!  They always give me funny reasons to write things down!  I know I get a lot of good pictures too so be sure to check out my shutterfly link to see pictures!
