Thursday, December 5, 2013


Each one of my girls has gotten a song.

Morgan: "M-O-R-G-A-N" (tune of the old Mickey Mouse theme song, not the new toddler one.)
Morgan Mangrich, (she's real cute)
Morgan Mangrich (drives me crazy)
forever you hold my heart real tight...tight...tight...tight
M-O-R- see you real soon
G-A-N- time to go to bed

This song had many variations as I bounced Morgan around the house being silly before naps and bed time.  Morgan didn't really have any trouble going to sleep, she simply enjoyed being sung to in a fun silly way.  It is really a hard song to write out, but be glad I didn't video tape me singing it.

Maya: "Go to Sleep" (tune of go to sleep)
Go to sleep
Go to sleep 
Go to sleep little Maya.
Mommy loves you
Daddy cares for you
Now you need to go to sleep. 
Go to sleep 
Go to sleep 
Go to sleep little one. 
Go to sleep, go to sleep 
Mommy needs to sleep some too! 

I use to sing this song endlessly as I would walk/pace around trying to get Maya to sleep.  She has never been a good sleeper. Even now she gets up in the middle of the night almost every night and comes in our room.  She has stopped waking me and now just sleeps on the floor next to my bed.  I have to be careful not to step on her when I get up to feed her baby sister. One thing is for sure even though she still is NOT a good sleeper, "mommy loves her an daddy cares for her!"      (now please go to SLEEP!)

Mercy:"Mercy in the Morning" (tune of an old hymn or chorus I think the name is "Jesus"?)

Mercy, Mercy
Mercy in the morning
Mercy in the noontime.
Mercy, Mercy
Mercy when the sun goes down.

Mercy, Mercy
Happy in the morning
Crabby in the evening.
Maya should be napping
And Morgan just got home from school.

This is not really a bed time song.  And I am really not sure why This is the song for Mercy other than the fact that we need true MERCY these days!  I sing it during the day at very random times.  Maybe because I'm feeling a little overwhelmed needing to express my need for true mercy, or maybe it's because I feel like my day is consumed with caring for my daughter mercy (and the other two as well) feeling like it is all day with no break (morning, noon and night).  But whatever the reason it has become her song.   

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