Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mercy Lynn: half a year old.

Mercy is now 6 months old.  
She loves when her sisters entertain her and talk silly to her. 
She enjoys watching them be all crazy running around the house. I'm pretty sure she is thinking about how she wants to join in most of the time.
She has her first tooth. Working on the second one I'm pretty sure.  
She is learning how to sit up and get up on her hands and knees (yikes!) 
She does not like baby food at all. Spits it all out, so really I have given up on that for now.
She loves to "play" with Jazz (our large dog) who regularly lays down next to her (almost think Jazz likes her tail and ears pulled) 
She sleeps well at night waking only once for a midnight (or 4am) snack. 
She loves to be held and is generally a very happy easy going little baby.  

"What are you looking at?"

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