Thursday, February 21, 2013

Calling super mom!

Last night Morgan was sick and throwing up... I spent a lot of time cleaning up vomit and then trying to disinfect our house to host a bible study the next day.  Ben was trying to help out and we were both kind of sad this is how we were spending one of the few nights he didn't have class.  

The next day comes and I am getting the girls settled upstairs, cleaning up the kitchen and living room from our breakfast disaster and tornado of crumbs.  I forgot to change out of my crummy sweat paints and Tshirt and people start showing up.  I plop myself on the couch for our study only to end up getting up 10 or more times to get the girls this that and the other, or to stop the dog from steeling their snack.  (Luckily the throwing up had stopped so at least there was none of that.) After Bible study was over I try to make lunch for the girls, spill just about everything...apparently make the wrong sandwich for Morgan.  Maya wanted her apple not cut up and honestly I was so done! 

It wasn't that it was a harder day than usual, or even that bad; it was just one of those days that reminded me: Being a mom is what do I do?  I call my mom!  There's nothing that can make a mom feel better than to call and let out a little steam with her own mom.  Maybe it's because you know you put your mom through the same craziness when you were young and you suddenly feel guilty.  Maybe it's because even after 30 years she is still the one who knows you best...Or maybe it's because she has perfected the art of knowing exactly what to say before hanging up and I'm sure laughing and thinking to herself..."oh just wait and see what the next few years bring"...Whatever it is I'm just so glad a simple call to my mom can make me feel so much better.  

Just over a month ago not much was really different than the previous day described, only I was looking forward to an upcoming week where Ben would be out of town.  I picked up my phone and in came super mom to the rescue!  Only this time it was with a trip to help me out for a week.  

I don't know what I would do without my super mom.  I just hope some day I can be a super mom to my own girls, whom I love, even on those days I feel like I'm done.  

1 comment:

  1. Steph, you are well on your way to supermom status! Love you!!
