Morgan turned 6!
She and I think every 6 year old out there is in love with Disney's Frozen!
So Ben and I took on the challenge to turn out basement into Frozen.
We built an ice castle out of recycled boxes and other odds and ends.
We turned our futon into Kristof's Sled.
We covered all our furniture in white sheets and blankets.
made many snowflakes and hung them up. put up some movie posters and wall clings.
Then we started work on the snacks.
I made snow flake cupcakes, blue jello with whip cream, popcorn (or popped"snowflakes"), and pizza (yeah no theme there). Planed the party with two games a project and a movie viewing.

But the crown jewel of the day was the dress... I searched for months for a reasonably priced Elsa dress... hahahahah that sentence even sounds funny. So what to do? I made one! might not look perfect, might need a few alterations later but... it was affordable and I had fun! and nothing... and I do mean NOTHING could take the place of the look on Morgan's face when she came downstairs and saw the dress hanging up waiting for her.

I love Morgan! She can be stubborn and bossy, have a mind of her own that is quite out there, but I LOVE THAT! She has a great imagination, a fun loving spirit, a flair for art, and when you sit down and talk with her she can really have some of the sweetest conversations. She is a good story teller (good for now scary for later) and can be so helpful when in the right mood. She is up and down about 100 times a day but she's a girl! A girl turning 6! and going on 16.
the dress is beautiful and i am also a fan of morgan ;)