Week: Ben works full days and has night class Monday and Tuesday. Then was traveling for work Wednesday morning-Friday evening. yikes!! (for both of us!)
Week started. I took a deep breath and I got out of bed being tugged by my never sleeping 3yr old. Here we go I thought. The morning always comes too soon (usually starts as early as 4am or as late as 6am). I Got the girls ready for the day and headed out the door. Dropped Morgan off at Kindergarten and headed to the library. Where Maya has fully charmed the staff in the children's area. They pretty much all know her as she waltzes through the door. Today she was on the hunt for a "Funny Book". We walked around for half an hr looking at many books that I found funny but they weren't the "funny book" Maya wanted. We finally did find one about "A Frog in a Bog". (author Karma Wilson... she is an amazing author by the way). So then we head out to the grocery store trying to squeeze it in and still get Mercy down for her morning nap on time.
When we got home Mercy ended up refusing to nap (go figure) I missed my window I guess. So it was Lunch time. After lunch we sat and read the library books we checked out (I got a few extras she didn't approve of in there). Then it was time for Maya's nap......AHHHHHHHHHH nope not an over reaction. I spend 2 hrs sending her back to her room to nap and her kicking and screaming back to bed then sneaking out as soon as I was down stairs. Finally she fell asleep. and wow. Guess what it's time to wake her up to go pick up her sister.
We go pick Morgan up (ps Mercy did take an afternoon nap!) Get home and the girls get a snack and off to play. I sit back and try to pull my mental self together realizing there is no break in their energy until Bed time. So we play, read the library books again (Morgan missed them the first time) and took a very long bath (time filler). Then dinner: Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup. Oddly enough I got more arguing over getting them to eat the grilled cheese than the soup. You just never know with kids.
We Played watched a show and off to bed. Phew! one day out of the way... I Then looked at the mess in my house, the pile of dishes and I plopped into bed and fell asleep! Ben came home after I was sleeping.
Day two of insane week! This time the girls dragged Ben out of bed but I followed so I could see Ben for a little bit before he headed out to work/class. We attempted to sip coffee together with 3 kids climbing all over us. We have mastered holding a hot cup of coffee and not spilling in on our kids to an almost scary degree. Ben headed out to work and my day started again.
I got the girls ready to head out the door (very cold outside). Get Dressed, Socks, Boots, Coats, Gloves, Hats etc... not to mention breakfast, packing a lunch making sure backpack is ready to go etc... the usual morning stuff of any house hold with kids. Loaded up the younger two in the double stroller and headed off to school. Surprise! it's not so cold. I almost (almost) sweat in my winter gear (it was in the 30's I think). So the walk was actually pleasant.
Got home it was time for a play date. Maya spent the rest of the morning playing with her friend. Mercy got her full morning nap and I was able to sit and chat with a good friend. So nice!! Play date ends and it's lunch time.
Maya eats her PB&J happily with some carrots on the side. We read her "funny library book" and I attempt to get her to nap again. **Copy and paste Monday's drama here... sigh......only difference is I gave up after 1 hr and just let her stay up and play. I told myself "maybe she is just done with naps".
When Pick up time came around for Morgan Maya was crabby, and in full melt down mode. She did not want to leave the house. She even told me "You go. I will stay here." If only it were that simple.
I get to Morgan's school. She runs out gives me a huge hug making the struggle to get there worth it. Then we rush home so Morgan can get a ride to her Ballet class. We make it just in time and off she goes. Once back in the house, Maya throws off all her winter gear and stomps up the stairs I hear a lot of noise as I gently get Mercy out of the stroller and out of her coat. Then Suddenly the noise stopped. I went up stairs and found Maya asleep in the hallway with her sister's Pacifiers in a pile next to her. I really don't know what she was thinking but all I could think was, "yup she still needs a nap!"
With Maya sleeping (moved her to her bed). Mercy and I got some nice play time together. I don't usually get one on one time with her very often so it was a sweet little blessing. Mercy is just so full of life and energy. She was so happy having my full attention. I think I was a human jungle gym for about an hr.
When Morgan got home from ballet Maya woke up and the crazy started. I managed to make dinner and got the girls to actually eat it. Then we enjoyed a calm Movie night with snacks and cuddles. When the movie ended the girls got ready for bed, we read a book and then Morgan and Mercy went to sleep.
Maya, however, came down stairs as I was trying to clean up some and she was wide awake from her late nap. Not having the energy to fight with her we snuggled in bed and watched "Jake and the Never Land Pirates" until Ben got home at 10:30pm, at which point Maya was still wide awake. She chatted Ben's ear off as he tried to get her to bed.
It was nice being awake when Ben got home even though it was due to a not sleeping child. Especially since he surprised me with Chick-Fil-A.
After, of course, my 5am wake up, Wednesday started with a nice surprise for me (not so much for Ben). Ben's flight was delayed! He was able to spend the entire morning at home with us. I got Morgan ready for school without the other two and walked her to school in the snow. It was nice not having the other two tag along. Then all morning Ben was able to play with the girls and hang out so it really (aside from Morgan being at school) it felt like a Saturday morning in the middle of the week.
Ben Then headed off to Georgia and I got Maya some lunch and decided to skip sewing so she could get a good nap. So we eat, then read some books, played a while and off to bed Maya went.
My second blessing of the day, was my friend needed to borrow our car. She came to get it so that I could walk to pick Morgan up by myself and let the two little ones continue their naps! Maya actually napped, and Morgan felt so special having me pick her up alone.
Dinner rolled around with some scrambled eggs and then scrambling to get the girls off to AWANA. We made it just a little late but no more than usual. Dropped them off and went for some coffee. Mercy had a complete meltdown while at the coffee shop so we left there early and went back to the church where the girls have AWANA and I let her crawl around until it was time to go home.
We got home. Girls went to bed. I actually cleaned up the mess that was our kitchen, play room etc... Phew day 3 Wasn't so bad, only two more. And two more without Ben home even for breakfast.
Thursday morning was stressful! The house was clean but something about it just was stressful. Girls got up early as usual and I got them cereal for breakfast. Morgan was going to walk to school with a friend like she does every Thursday, so it was nice once again to leave Maya and Mercy in their PJ's.
Once Morgan was off to school I got ready to host Bible study. Just in time to. We had Bible study, Maya got to play with her friends down stairs while I joined in the study. Then it was lunch, followed by the inevitable nap time again...
To my surprise!! Maya went down without a fight! I only had to tell her once to get back in bed. I felt the miracle of answered prayers. Especially when she woke up on her own at 3:10p just 5 minutes before I would have had to wake her up to go pick up her sister. To make life even better Mercy woke up on her own right around the same time.
I got the girls ready to go and off we went to pick up Morgan. All three girls in a good mood we then walked home and got a snack. That evening we played tea party, and read books and the girls took baths.
I made Chicken and "new veggies" for dinner which the girls gobbled up not knowing what the veggi was. (Ha! it was asparagus!! same veggi they wouldn't eat only last week.). After dinner the girls complained a little missing daddy, but then went to bed rather nicely. I then climbed into bed myself and watched a movie. Only one day left to go!
Well, Friday morning! I woke up and found two girls and a dog sleeping in my bed with me. At some point in the night Morgan, Maya and our dog Jazz crawled into my bed. Guess they all missed Ben. Honestly I didn't mind. It was kind of sweet waking up that way. And bonus we slept until after 6am!!!
After the usual morning crazy I walked Morgan to school with the other two in the stroller. We met some neighbors along the way who invited Morgan to a play date after school and asked if Maya and I wanted to join them at an open gym type place for a play date (Mercy too of course). I declined thinking I was baby sitting for my friend's little girl.
Once I got home after school drop off I discovered that my friend didn't need me to baby sit after all. I called my neighbor to see if the invitation was still good and off we went to play. Maya had a blast! She ran around rode bikes, threw balls, jumped up and down a lot. Mercy to my surprise also had a blast. She found a bin of toys near the bench I was sitting on and played there most of the morning. I actually got to sit and talk to my neighbor while the kids played. It was a nice change of pace and a great way to end the crazy week!
As for the rest of Friday... Well We got home, eat lunch, and Maya is sleeping again! Mercy too! So I am sitting here writing this!
I hope Maya wakes up again around 3, but if not at least she will have gotten some sleep before I have to wake her. And Ben gets home in about 6 hrs (or less).
This is a short (yet long) glimpse into what this week has been for me. All in all not bad! I love my girls! and I can't wait for Ben to be home this weekend!
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Morgan's way of emptying the dishwasher |
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Maya and her sneaky self at nap time |
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Play time with Mercy |
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