Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mercy Lynn 9 Months Old

Some how Mercy reached the age of 9 months... I didn't notice this until 2 days after, (not bad for #3) She is now as old out as she was in. Time has flown by. I still think of her as a new born quite often although she would really rather be thought of as a toddler. Mercy is very observant and learns quickly.  Always trying to keep up with her big sisters.  
In the past month Mercy:
 ~ has perfected crawling (learned this around 7 1/2 months old)
 ~ Learned to pull her self up to standing
 ~ Started cruising around furniture
 ~ Discovered that it's way more fun being under tables than anywhere else (except for maybe next to the dog's water bowl...) 
 ~ Still sleeps well
 ~ Says nanana, & mama (and I swear it really means mom though Ben argues that one.) 
 ~ has learned how to fully protest anything! mainly her snow suit, car seat and anything that might keep her contained (crib, bouncer, highchair) 
 ~ loves eating real food in little pieces 

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