Friday, November 15, 2013

Funny Maya

You never know just what a 2 almost 3yr old is going to say and Maya has been having a series of comical problems lately.  So let me share a couple:

Story one:
Morning conversation with Maya:

Maya, "mommy I can't find my tongue." 

Me, "oh no where did you last see it?"

Maya, "in the bathroom." 

She runs in there and yells, "oh no it went down the potty."

Me, "are you sure? Look in here." Pointing to the bathroom mirror, "and say AH."

Maya does that. Then jumps up and down. "I found it, I found it. My tongue isn't lost anymore."  

Story two:

Maya running down stairs right after being put to bed, "there's a monster in mercy's crib!" 

Me, "get back into bed Maya its just your sister." 

Maya,"but the monster is loud and crying and keeping me awake." 

Me, "Maya, is your sister crying?"

Maya, "no, it's a monster!" 

I go upstairs with Maya to find Mercy crying.  I pick Mercy up and take her out of the room. Maya says, "phew, thank you for taking the monster out of my room.  I will sleep now." 

Some day she will like her sister, I hope.  

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