Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mercy Lynn Mangrich

May 10, 2013 Mercy Lynn entered the world and our family.

One more girl to add to the mix.  I couldn't be happier!
After a long (very long) hard pregnancy it was nice having a quick & fairly easy labor/delivery, thanks to an epidural that is. And thanks for the amazing nursing staff and our Favorite DR who was actually able to be there this time.

Bringing home girl #3 has been interesting, fun, and somewhat overwhelming.  Ben and I are now officially out numbered.  There have been many peaceful moments, but when the peace is broken everyone needs something all at the same time.  It is going to be a challenge figuring out how to show each girl they are loved equally.

Morgan is loving Mercy!  
She constantly wants to hold her and play with her.  Its a good thing babies are pretty durable.  I do enjoy watching Morgan love on her sister though. It is very sweet!

Maya is having a harder time.  
She has all ready said, "all done with baby", and "baby stay at hospital".  The first few days she wouldn't talk to me if I was holding or feeding Mercy, but she is coming around and warming up to the idea of another girl in the house.  It must be hard going from the baby in the family to a middle child.  I just want her to know she is loved, oh so very much!

Mercy is adjusting to life well.  
She is eating, sleeping and you know... all very well.  She seems to understand the craziness in our house is a safe place and she to sleep through quite a bit of it.  She is also very good at knowing just when mom needs to eat, or do something for one of her sisters as that is the very moment she needs to eat, spits up, or needs a new diaper.

life with three... so different than life with two or one.  I know we will adjust and that God will helps us through this transition.  I suddenly have a lot more respect for families with lots of kids!!  How do they do it?  And how do they survive it?  Please pass along your secrets.  

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