Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Who Needs Sleep?

Anyone remember this song?
Who needs sleep?
(Well, you're never gonna get it.)
Who needs sleep?
(Tell me what's that for?)
Who needs sleep?
(Be happy with what you're getting,
There's a guy's been awake since the Second World War.)

Those Song lyrics never really meant anything before now and now with a 5yr old, a 2yr old and a new born (a month old) it pretty much sums up my life!  In high school the song was "cool" and in College I thought it was accurate for my life stage, but then I didn't really understand the meaning of NO SLEEP until kids!

My first born was a dream!  She slept through the night early on and took nice long naps.  I thought I was the magical parent that found the secret to how to get your kid to sleep.

Then God blessed me with my second daughter!!  Humble pie city!  This little one didn't sleep though the night until she was over a year old and she still isn't what one would call a good sleeper! She is up at the crack of dawn! (like 5am or so... maybe 6am on a good day) She is finally napping well at age two and staying in bed most of the night.  She still has a bad night of wakes ups at least once every other week.

So then we add in our one month old!  She is still yet to be determined on the sleep scale.  She is currently sleeping like a new born giving 3 hr stretches with the occasional 4 hr stretch, but I'm not calling her a good sleeper until I get that full night of sleep!!  and I know it probably isn't coming any time soon.

With all the different sleep habits my girls have I can still relate to this song on another level as well.  Remember the lines:
My hands are locked up tight in fists.
My mind is racing, filled with lists
Of things to do and things I've done.
Another sleepless night's begun.
Yeah.....Even when a good night of sleep for the girls starts my mind races with the to-do lists of tomorrow, of what parenting things I did wrong that day, and how can I get through another day as a mom of three.
So much joy in life, so many pleasures all around.
But the pleasure of insomnia is one I've never found.
With all life has to offer there's so much to be enjoyed.
But the pleasures of insomnia are ones I can't avoid.
It's hard to be a good mom when you're half a sleep!  My girls are even learning not to talk to mom until she has that first cup of coffee in her hands or things won't go so well...  We joke about getting a mood gauge on my coffee mug so they know when I have had at least half a cup.  Maybe I should just get caffeine via IV?
Well since sleep isn't coming anytime soon and life just gets crazier: here's to being the best mom I can be in spite of insomnia.

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