Thursday, May 23, 2013

Morgan's Preschool Graduation

Today my Morgan graduated...from preschool.  

It's kind of funny; while sitting at the little graduation ceremony Ben leaned over and said, "this is the moment I know I'll be picturing when she graduates high school and is going off to college."

It's so true! I can just see the whole ceremony replaying in our heads 12 years from now.  All the little kids stumbling across the stage, the cute somewhat correctly sung songs and those adorable little hats!!  Not to mention all the answers to what they want to be when they grow up... my favorites were: 1. a bank owner, 2. a storm trooper, and 3. (Morgan's) a rock star.  others included police officers, firefighters, princesses, teachers etc...  It was fun watching the little ceremony and celebrating the end of the year with all Morgan's little classmates.

I know I complained all year about the stress of preschool drop off and pick up, but I think I will miss it a little bit.  Chatting with the other moms, watching the kids play, seeing all the fun projects they so proudly declare are theirs.  I'm sad to see the year end, but excited about the summer!  I still can't believe we are sending Morgan off to Kindergarten next year!!

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