Just wanted to share a few funny stories and sayings from the past few months that I just had to write down.
After reviewing them I have found that Maya is at a very amusing stage! I'm not sure if it is because she is 4 or because she is the middle child but She is one Funny kid!

I reply, "no you need your bones so your body can work."
Maya, "I guess I don't need a flat tired today."
Maya, "Mom, Why can't my name be Twilight Sparkle? I really want my name to be Twilight Sparkle."
Mercy now walking, talking a little, and learning the art of annoying her sisters caused Maya to come up to me and say, "mom I don't like having a baby. Can we give her away? Please?!?!?"
Me, "No, we love Mercy."
Maya, "When is she going to turn into a big kid so she doesn't annoy me so much?"
Me, "No, we love Mercy."
Maya, "When is she going to turn into a big kid so she doesn't annoy me so much?"
While Morgan was getting ready to go to school Maya ran up to her and gave her a big long, won't let go hug. Morgan pushed her away to hear Maya say, "Just giving you a hug because I love you and am going to miss you for a long day." Melted my heart!
Maya: I wish Santa had a pony cuz then it would be more exciting.
Later on that same day, but not in the car Maya exclaims, "Look I made a bugger statue!"
Me, "Yucky, you should throw that out."
Maya, "I want to keep it. I promise I won't eat it."
I over hear Maya wondering around her room during nap time:
Me, "Maya put your head on your pillow now! And keep it there."
A little bit later I hear footsteps again so I go check on her. I find her walking around her room holding her pillow to her head.
Maya was teasing Morgan about a boy, who she is friends with at school, whose name so happens to start with the letter F. Morgan can't take it anymore and says, "Maya, the f word just won't get out of your head will it?"
The girls were playing down stairs and I hear Maya saying "Why are you hitting yourself? why are you hitting yourself? why are you hitting yourself?"
This was soon followed by Morgan in a very mater a fact voice, "Maya, I'm far too busy for that game right now."
This was soon followed by Morgan in a very mater a fact voice, "Maya, I'm far too busy for that game right now."
Maya, "I want to be just like Morgan! She is a great sister and player... Oh and she's a great comber too."