Monday, January 14, 2013

New beds

The transition into Bunk Beds has been interesting.  It has gone in stages.

Step 1: convince Morgan it will be fun to give up her bed and sleep in Bunk Beds. Her main concern  that she wouldn't have all her "friends" (stuffed animals  in bed with her, once she realized all her "friends" could come too she was happy about it.

Step 2: have Morgan help pick it out (with a reasonable price).  This was super tricky.  Morgan kept seeing pictures of bunk beds that has some how been decorated as princess castles (of course way out of our price range).  We finally settled on a nice sturdy affordable one from walmart.  It's plain old boring white.  Morgan and I decided we are going to paint some flowers on it to make it more "fun".

Step 3: Getting Maya to transition from a crib to a bed.  We actually started this before the bunk beds arrived.  We took the side of her crib off and placed a rail on it so she couldn't fall out but could climb out very easily.  The first night we sent her back to bed about 20 times... sigh.  It slowly went down to fewer times each night, but there were some night we gave up and let her sleep in bed with us just to get some sleep!!  Now she gets the idea and Bed time is going smoothly. (naps not so much but we're still working on it)

Step 4: assemble the bunk beds and take the crib out of the room: This process took less time than I though, but more tears.  It took a lot of work getting the beds together, my main job was keeping the girls occupied and making them feel like they were "helping" while Ben actually did all the work.  Where did the tears come from.  oh that was just pregnant me crying over how my girls are growing up.  I tell you transition and hormones don't go well together.  Maya did at one point come up to me and say, "OK, mama, I love you."  and you got it... just caused the water works to get worse.

Step 5: decorate the Bed.  Instead of painting the bed I had a brilliant idea of using some of their wall decal stickers to spruce it up some.  So the girls went to town finding fun places for all the flowers and butterflies.  Looks pretty cute, and way less work.

Step 6: First night in the bunk Beds.  Bed time didn't happen until about 9 or 9:30 due to finishing the beds and making the beds and getting all their "friends" in place etc... But believe it or not Maya was so excited about her bed (or super over tired) she stayed in it all night.  Morgan on the other hand was up and down that latter 10 or more times before she finally gave in to dream land.  I think she was just enjoying the fact that she had a new way of getting in and out of bed.

SO now they are in their new Beds!  Happy and all set...  I guess we are ready to find some space for baby mango #3 whenever he or she arrives this coming May.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today we had a new mattress delivered.  It's for when we finally put the girls bunk beds together, but that's really irrelevant to today.
Morgan and Maya's eyes were so wide at the size of the box at our front door (yes it came folded up in a box).  Morgan's first question, "is it mine?" (not even knowing what it was).
I opened the box, and pulled out the twin size mattress.
Since then our house has been full of giggles, pure joy!
The girls have been playing on the mattress and in the box in the middle of our dinning/living room.
Maya's ship sailing to far away lands (I stepped off just to get a picture) 
The mattress has turned into a flying carpet where Morgan and I flew to the moon and back.  It has been a castle and a princess bed for Cinderella and sleeping beauty; it's been a trampoline (only allowed while on the floor...) and oddly enough a boat where Maya and I sailed to see funny animals.  The box has been a bus, a slide (didn't work too well), a great hiding spot to scare our dog, and currently as I type a canvas getting filled up with many drawings (I'm hoping they stick to the box and not my walls... I should go check).

At any rate it simply amazes me just how creative my girls can be with simple things.  I have also enjoyed going on the ride with them, putting aside the house cleaning for the day, and the need to have the dinning room toy free (which we usually try to do and fail quite often).

I am hoping that once the bunk beds are up and the mattress in place that they can have just as many adventures with it as they are having today. (minus the trampoline!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fights and making up

Quick story: My girls were fighting, as sisters do, and I trying to get the dishes done told them to work it out! I then heard Morgan say, "Maya get floppy and dd and come sit with me and chat "  Maya apparently did just that.
A few minutes later I found them on the couch reading some books together.  **Proud parent moment!**