Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ballet Recital #2

Morgan still loves dancing and she made her second appearance on stage this year.
Her dance had an ocean like theme and the little dancers couldn't be cuter.

All of the young dance classes line the back of the stage with their groups marked by special color balloons. The high school age and older dancers are there to help keep them seated and in line. (to their best ability that is). When we walked in and took our seats we could see Morgan and her class seated at the far left and waved like the crazy parents we are. She seemed happy and waved back with just as much enthusiasm. I try to enjoy the fact she loves us being there and is not embarrassed by her parents just yet. I know the day is coming when she will bury her head and pretend like we're not there (though secretly love that we are). She is also so proud to have her sisters there. She would not let me get a sitter for this. Maya had to be there according to Morgan. Not to mention her non stop chatter about how Pops, Mimi and Uncle David come to her show. She loves having them visit and being able to show off her dancing for them.

While we were all waiting for the show to start and watching the other cute dances perform Morgan was busy in her little group organizing her peers and acting all in charge. (not sure she knew we were watching that part). As she took the stage she made sure several of her classmates got to the correct spot on stage pointing out their little stickers on the floor. Then she started waving at the audience.

During her dance she jumped, pointed her toes and spun very well only looking at her teacher 80% of the time. She, also, continued to look up and wave about every 10 seconds or so. I think she even slipped one in during a spin/twirl. Made me proud! I love the fact Morgan is her own and she holds her own. She might have missed a step or two more than others during the dance, but she gave a good show. I am glad though Morgan was not the girl who stood on stage sticking her tong out with her hands on hips, as Memorable as that moment was for that girl's family. She just bossed her class mates around and waved staying true to herself. She even kept the other dancers in line as they exited the stage out to the lobby.

After the show we let Morgan pick where we would go eat and celebrate a performance well (survived?) done. She choose steak n' shake and we all went and enjoyed some greasy food and good shakes! What better way to celebrate than that!