Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten

Morgan has started kindergarten!
       Leading up to it we did the typical back to school shopping, picking out a lunch box, water bottle, and all the supplies on the list from her teacher.  Morgan picked out the first day of school out fit.  She picked out her first day of school hair do (oh that was a BIG DEAL!!).  Went and met her teacher, took the tour and sat through orientation.  We walked the rout to and from school a bunch over the summer.  I outfitted our stroller for the younger two so that it looks like something from "pimp my stroller".
      Then the day arrived.  We asked Morgan what she wanted for a special breakfast for her first day of school.  She choose mini quiches.  So Ben made her mini quiches.  After breakfast we took the million first day of school pictures.  Checked and rechecked her back pack for lunch, school forms, etc.  Then Morgan went to put her shoes on... yup... all the prep work and her tennis shoes did not fit.  (She ended up wearing crocks for the first week.) I guess there are worse mom fails.
     We solved the shoe problem, (glad I could use the "they are blue and match so well" reasoning) and off to school we went.  The whole family went and we walked there with other neighborhood kids.  It felt like a parade going down our street of all the back to school kids and their parents all carrying the "good cameras".  Oh we were no exception.  Ben had his iphone taking pictures the whole way, while I had the "good camera" doing the same.

We got to school and took several more pictures.  Found her classmates and where she needed to line up.  We took more pictures.  Out came her teacher and we took more pictures.  Then we had to say good bye.  I looked around and many of her classmates were crying or clinging to their parents and then there was Morgan.  She was all ready trying to meet and comfort the other kids.  Telling them it would be fine like she was the old pro.  (Love that girl!)  She was so excited and she is so outgoing it amazes me.  She then gave us several hugs and off she went in her line to enter the building to start her world of education.  oh and we took more pictures!

    I wish I could follow her all day long knowing every detail of what she does for the rest of her life, but the time has come to start letting go and place her in God's hands!  God can follow her and be with her all day.  I pray that she leans on God for comfort when needed and guidance even at a young age.  May God protect my baby as she grows up and gains her independence (even more).  May she make good choices, learn from her mistakes and know she is Loved.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Play Date Ground Rules

Play Dates: Kids love them and parents...well...

OK, so over the past few months the thing I have learned about play dates is they are Wonderful, Marvelous, Fantastic, and the Best; When my kid goes to someone else's house!!

When the kid comes here, it's hit or miss.

It's not that Morgan has bad friends in fact I like most of her friends, but kids tend to have ideas that I'm sure they know aren't ok at their home so they bring them to mine...

and right now I just have to say: "I'm sorry," to all Morgan's friend's parents who have let her come over for play dates. I can just imagine the things she gets your kids into, and the mess she leaves behind. Bless you for giving me a peaceful afternoon!!  

So, back to my rant: I have found ground rules need to be established for play dates!  I have, also, found it very hard to punish something that wasn't directly told was wrong, yet fell under the category of "you should know this".

My new Play Date Ground Rules: 

Rule #10: You must ask parents if play dates are ok and not just assume we have nothing better to do.
Rule #9: No play dates will be had if after play dates all I hear is how much you dislike your family.  

Rule #8: Snacks are a privilege and will not be given to kids who get in my face and yell. "Snack now!"

Rule #7Don't expect to get your things back if you lend them to your friends.  It is not my fault you lent them your favorite doll after I suggested it wasn't a good idea.  

Rule #6:  you Must clean up after a play date and it does not matter who made the mess.

Rule #5No you may not paint the surface of the desk and call it OK, because your
friend thought it was a good idea. 

Rule #4No you may not go in our storage/laundry room and pull everything out. 

Rule #3You may not use your baby sister as a doll because she is more fun than your dolls... (she is crying because she doesn't like that...)

Rule #2you may NOT lock your 2yr old sister in your closet even if she is bugging you.

Rule #1we canNOT give your friend a fish to take home even if they ask nicely.

So those are the new ground rules and I'm sure I am going to come up with many more as Morgan gets more creative with ways to get into trouble on play dates...